Search Results
Major Group Business and Industry: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN WCDRR
Major Group Business and Industry: Statement made at the 2nd Preparatory Com. of the Third UN WCDRR
MG Indigenous Peoples: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN WCDRR
USA: Statement made at the 2nd Preparatory Committee of the Third UN WCDRR
Republic of Korea: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN WCDRR
CEPREDENAC: Statement made at the 2nd Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
Kokusai Kogyo: Statement made at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (2013)
2017 RISK Award
Looking Beyond Disasters - Unesco Youth Forum - Executive Summary
Resilience Dialogue AM2014 Video
The Business Role in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
CIB TG63 UNISDR Resilient Cities Webinar 2 - Engaging multiple stakeholders in DRR for cities